Adrenal Fatigue

February 18, 2014

I mostly speak about my mental health challenges on this blog, but as you know, I also struggle with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and fibromyalgia.  Recently I was contacted by a woman whose mentor, a licensed neuropath and expert in adrenal fatigue, created an amazing website and I want to share it with you all.  I have posted the website, The Guide to Adrenal Fatigue, on my blogroll.  The symptoms for adrenal fatigue are very similar to fibromyalgia and CFS, with the main difference being that adrenal fatigue can be diagnosed by using hormonal testing, whereas fibro and CFS are only diagnosed by describing symptoms.  This is good news and should prompt people to get tested, because if one does have adrenal fatigue then one can begin the recovery process and may be fully restored in two years.  Like fibro and CFS, adrenal fatigue is linked to stress and the website suggests finding out what your main stressors are and eliminating them, even if they are big things like a job or type of lifestyle-this feels very validating to me, because I have had to do the same thing.  There is a possibility that I do not have fibromyalgia and CFS, but rather adrenal fatigue, but even if I do, I know I will still have to watch my stress levels and modify my lifestyle, so that my condition does not come back or get worse.  And of course, I have to watch my stress levels for my mental health conditions too. I am not planning to get tested any time soon, since I already follow many of the suggestions on the website and since I feel like my life is pretty well established and managed the way it is.  If you are someone who is in the diagnostic stage of chronic illness or just wants to find out more ways to manage your illness though, check out this website!

Also, here is a website that is about how adrenal fatigue relates to chronic fatigue syndrome

and then another one on how it relates to fibromyalgia.

a Creative Commons picture

Link Love:
Rose are red. Violets are Blue. Smashing the patrirarchy makes me super attracted to you.

Hansen Unplugged: Celebrating our differences

 Civil rights activist Audre Lord said: "It is not our differences that divide us. It's our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences."

As Andrea Smith says, “If we were to develop a feminist history centering Native women, feminist history in this country would start in 1492 with resistance to patriarchal colonization.” Part of patriarchal colonization includes white women. White settler feminism likes to say we’re “all” fighting the patriarchy and ending violence against women without acknowledging or claiming the part they played in instilling patriarchy into Indigenous communities.

Feminists often discuss the “the male gaze,” in terms of its distortion of women’s realities. When will mainstream feminisms address the distorted representations perpetuated by the cisgender white female gaze?
We love the idea of using Valentine’s Day to talk about what respect and consent look like and how we can stand up against sexual violence.  However, due to the mistreatment and disrespect of women of color, indigenous women, and queer women by Eve Ensler and the V-Day campaign, we can no longer support her work.
Women of color, indigenous women, and queer women are all more likely to suffer sexual violence, and also (due to people and institutions that operate in racist, homophobic, and transphobic ways) face even more of a struggle when they try to find justice.  As such, we believe that we cannot campaign against sexual violence without also fighting against racism, homophobia, and transphobia. 

We need urgent action, not feel-good platitudes.

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