Event: Disability Day

February 5, 2011

Date: February 24
Time: 8a-2p
Where: The Capitol building in Atlanta
What: A rally for disability awareness.
Theme: Unlock the Doors to Real Communities
Events: A rally; a visit from Governor Nathan Deal at the Capitol steps; and readings from "Waddie Welcome and the Beloved Community" by Tom Kohler, co-author, at the Freight Depot
Registration: Event Signup
Contact: 404-657-2121

My Thoughts: I think this is awesome and I had no idea that this is an annual event until a few days ago. I don't know what time the official rally is, but I want to attend and will probably be there in the morning. I am also glad to learn about the story of Waddie Welcome-I just put the book on my wish list on paperbackswap.com. Here is a review of the book:

Born on the 4th of July, 1914 in Savannah, GA with a disability and placed in a nursing home far from his community, Waddie Welcome was an unlikely public figure. His deep desire for freedom drew many friends into his life in ways that not only liberated him from institutionalization but realized Dr King’s vision of the Beloved Community. This book tells the story of friendships that transcended divisions of disability, race, and income & created powerful new possibilities in a whole community.

The story sounds inspirational and powerful! Spread the word about Disability Day-we need lots of people at the Capitol for the rally to show our government workers that we will not be invisible any longer! We have needs that must be met, just like the rest of Georgia's community.

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