Feb. 22-28, Eating Disorders Awareness Week

February 22, 2009

It's eating disorders awareness week, so I'm reposting my list of eating disorder events and groups in Atlanta.

Sunday, Feb. 22 – Merrick’s Walk – Noon- 5K Run/Walk-
Location: Galloway School
- Honors all who have died and all who still struggle with an eating disorder
- For more info: www. edin-ga.org

Events at Ridgeview Institute – All Free
Monday, Feb. 23 – F.E.D. Support Group - 6-7:30p
(Friends and Family of People with Eating Disorders)
- Location: Young Adult Unit, Cottage E-East, Room 4
- “F.E.D. group is an open community support group which provides education, support and strategies for coping with eating disorders in the home or within a social support network and offers guidance through difficult decision making.”
It is held every Monday, usually until 7p.
- “Alumni and their families will join to share their stories of strength and hope, and be available to answer questions.” I’ll be there!

Wednesday, Feb. 25 – A.N.A.D. Support Group – 6-7p
(Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders)
- Location: Professional Building North Auditorium 1-2- Meets every Wednesday

Thursday, Feb. 26 – Candlelight Vigil – 6-8p
- Candles will be provided
- Includes live music, speakers and a candle lighting ceremony

Saturday, Feb. 28 – E.D.A. Support Group – 10-11a(Eating Disorders Anonymous)
- Location: Professional Building North Room 6- Meets every Saturday

Be aware of eating disorders and their prevention every day by talking about them seriously. Teach our youth and ourselves that being healthy is about eating all kinds of foods in moderation and about getting a moderate amount of exercise, rather than about being a certain size. Remember that the sacred resides in all of us and advocate for better role models, advertising, and quality of life for everybody.

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