Whoppee!!!!! As you may recall, I have wanted to do a regular feature on this blog for a very long time where I perform some music. Well, tonight I was finally victorious-I finally figured out how to upload a homemade video. I'll even share my secret: you need to download Any Video Converter-it's free! Today is the first of my videos-I hope you like it. It's me accompanying myself on the piano while I sing John Carter's "Air" (Let Us Break Bread Together). I am going to be playing and singing this song tomorrow during church for World Communion Sunday.
I hope you enjoyed the performance! I learned this version of the spiritual when I took voice lessons at Georgia College & State University. It makes me happy to know that I am now in a place where I can sing again, because there was a time when I was too depressed to sing.
I actually decided to figure out how to upload the video as a coping skill. You see, earlier tonight some feelings of doing self-harm were resurfacing and I was frustrated. Fortunately, I now know how to cope with these feelings and it is to be creative. Creating a piece of artwork makes me feel alive and reminds me that there are good things in life. It more than distracts me, but reawakens me to the life-giving core of energy that wants me to continue thriving and does not want me to hurt myself. There are positive ways to deal with feelings of wanting to self-harm, besides doing it. I understand that self-harm causes endorphins to rise, but it also causes shame to arise too. If you are a person who struggles with self-harm, I suggest trying to create something. Years ago, I used to draw and paint my emotions when I wanted to cut and that worked too. Creating something new not only raises endorphins, but it inspires feelings of accomplishment, instead of shame. Draw a picture, write a poem, sing a song. As the famous Sesame Street song, "Sing" says, "Don't worry that it's not good enough for anyone else to hear, just sing, sing a song." Your spirit will thank you.
By the way, I want a catchy name for my videos-what should I call the segments of me performing in the future?