My Second Psalm - Please Critique

May 15, 2009

Working ten hour days for five or more days in a row is really getting old and is preventing me from writing much that is thought provoking, but I did promise to post one of my new, feminist psalms a week, and that I do have time for!

Why do the nations rage against each other,
And why do their people follow?
Rulers say, "We are separate,"
But their hate binds them together.
Their hate tries to untie the line of love
That stretches from Godde to Her children.

Listen! What is that sound?
It is Godde laughing!
Her mirthful tears tear at the ground,
Absorbing hate's hotness-
Letting Love grow.

I will declare the good news-
I MUST declare Godde's good news!
"LOVE is here!"

I have heard the Holy One's laughter,
So let us laugh together at the rulers
Who cannot tear apart Love's ligaments.

2 comments on “My Second Psalm - Please Critique”

  1. I like it! 🙂
    But just wondering...why Godde? and I noticed you refer to God as a female "her"?

  2. Thanks!

    Godde is a spelling that my church sometimes uses and it's a spelling that is sort of gender neutral. When one sees the word "God," one usually automatically thinks male, but "Godde" is sort of like a combination of God and Goddess, so it recognizes that God is not just one gender but encompasses the qualities of both. Sometimes in my poetry and speech I refer to God as Her, instead of He, because as my minister preached in a wonderful Mother's Day sermon, it is important to think of God not only as God the Father, but also as Godde the Mother. If male and female are both created in God's image, then Godde must be both male and female, which is something that is hard to grasp in our limited English language. Our languages, such as Hebrew, do a much better job at illustrating the different natures of God. You'll probably be interested to know that the female term referring to the Holy Spirit is Sophia!

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