The NAMI Walk is November first in Atlanta and I will be participating, of course. It is the National Alliance of Mental Illness' biggest fundraiser and we could really use your help. Go to NAMIWalks to register to walk or go to my facebook donation page to make a donation-it is safe and secure, I promise.
The work that NAMI does is invaluable. When I was first introduced to NAMI in 2009, I attended its groups for support and now I have a whole network of friends who understand what it is like living with a mental health condition. A year later, I became a group facilitator, which helped me develop my leadership skills and now I am an In Our Own Voiceprogram presenter, which is a job I dearly love doing. I love telling my story and imparting hope to others that one can indeed live a successful life even with a severe mental health diagnosis. I love educating people and helping to dispel stigma. NAMI has given me a job that I can do well, where I do not have to hide who I am and that I absolutely love doing every time. Please support me, so that I can continue doing this good work.
(Yes, I know the meme originally applies to addiction, but I think it can equally apply to all mental disorders.)