The Tales of Beedle the Bard – J.K. Rowling – This is a collection of “classic” warlock fairy tales. I really enjoyed the stories, but I didn’t enjoy the explanatory notes after each tale. The notes are not really child friendly, because they read like a dry textbook. If you are reading this book to a child or preteen, then I would skip the notes. If you’re reading it for yourself, then the notes are mildly interesting. I did think it was really cool that one of the stories is featured in the latest Harry Potter movie.
Jane Slayre - Sherri Browning Erwin and Charlotte Bronte – Jane Eyre is one of my favorite books and while I know that many purists think it’s awful that there has been a rash of reworkings on the classics, I must say, I loved it. In this version, Jane is a vampire slayer. I’ve always loved what a strong woman Jane Eyre is and in this version, she is even more adventurous and independent, which I love. In fact, although I hate to admit it, I think I like this version better than the original. SPOILER ALERT: Also, I’ve always had a little trouble with the insane wife in the attic part, as it is a bit stigmatizing and I was quite happy that the wife is in the attic for a different reason.
Mostly Harmless – Douglas Adams – This is the Hitchhiker’s book that Douglas wrote and it has a different feel than the others. I got the sense that Adams was a little tired of the series, although I could be wrong. It’s a sadder book than the others, but I love the fact that at least for a little while Arthur Dent found happiness and satisfaction in life. It seems fitting that he would find joy in being a sandwich maker. I would love to do a spiritual analysis of this book.