Psalm 25 - A Confession & Being "Originally Good"

November 9, 2009

To You, O Godde, I lift up my soul.

O Godde, I am in pain.
I am no Atlas-
The world’s weight is over my head and
It will crush me if You do not help.

Patiently, I will wait.
I am not ashamed to hand You my soul.
It may have bruises- tender and weighty
And it may have scars, and tears, and blood.

But You are the One who heals all things.
Give my soul wings to fly.
Show me Your paths of mercy and truth
And I will fly to meet You there.
These were also the words I used for out confession when I planned the worship service at my church a couple weeks ago. To find the original, go here.
I had a wonderful Friday! A friend and I went to see Pearl Cleage, the Indigo Girls, and Alice Walker perform at Charis' Book & More 35th anniversary. The experience was electrifying and even though it was not a religious service, I felt the presence of God.
(The Indigo Girls)

In fact, I am feeling Godde's presence more and more these days. In Marcus J. Borg's book, The God We Never Knew, he talks about the fact that God is always with us and that it is hard for people to see just how present God is in our world. Seeing God in our world is like seeing all the world's colors shine brighter and understanding that all is at its core wonderfully good. I no longer believe in "original sin" as it no longer serves me. The theology behind it served me quite well when I hated myself, but I, thank Godde!, no longer do. Instead, I believe that we are "originally good." This belief was introduced to me by my minister and it changed my life.

Because I now believe that my core is wonderfully good, I believe that it is imperative for my recovery to surround myself by good things. I used to go to many sites that would make me incredibly angry, but I finally realized that the kind of rage it was producing in me is toxic to my system. I rarely go to those sites anymore, nor do I usually watch movies with intense violence. When trying to battle all that I am battling in my life, there is no need to create more stress and negativity and I must say, I am a much happier and more fulfilled person because of it.

2 comments on “Psalm 25 - A Confession & Being "Originally Good"”

  1. I believe in original sin, actually. I think it actually HELPED me. because that just magnifies God's love for me. That He would actually die for a sinner like me!

  2. I also believe that different people need to believe in different things, so it's not totally about certain people being right and others wrong...

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