Resources for Anxiety

October 3, 2017

Yet God is not simply the destination, but one who is known on the journey.  It is a journey from the life of bondage to life in the presence of God.  (Marcus Borg, Meeting Jesus Again For The First Time, 125)

You can substitute the word, wellness, for God, if you want.  I am on a journey towards wellness and to help me on my journey, I bought several workbooks yesterday that deal with PTSD and other forms of anxiety.  I figure that since I have some extra time on my hands, that it should be useful.  I am posting yesterday's gratitude list because I thought people might be interested in some of the resources.

My Dad Coming To The Rescue
and Taking Me To The Doctor
(I startle too easily to drive far.)

My Doctor Writing The 
PrescriptionThat He Forgot 
For The New PTSD Med
(He apologized too.)

My Anti Anxiety PRN
(apparently, a sore throat


Waking Up & Realizing I Needed
To Stop Feeling Sorry For Myself
(much easier to do after a nap)

Decluttering The Spice Cabinet

Other Worry Symptoms
(ordered it for the Kindle -
figured it would help me do
the inner work that I need to do,
especially since DBT has already
helped me in other ways)

(also ordered for the Kindle) 

Doing Better With Food
(dinner: flatbread with 
veggie cream cheese,
green apple slices, parmesan, 
balsamic vinegar)

Cuddly Scully

Link Love:
by Dan Whisenhunt 
The ordinance changes the penalty in the Atlanta Municipal code for possession of marijuana less than an ounce from the “general penalty” –which is a fine of up to $1000 and up to six months in jail–to a maximum fine of $75 and no jail time.
The legislation had been held since May. A key fact presented during the debate is that in Atlanta, the overwhelming number of arrests for marijuana-related offenses are African Americans (92%), even though studies have determined usage is at similar levels across racial demographics.

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