The Fox on The Fairway Just Might Be Me

July 3, 2012

I may have mental and physical illnesses, but there is much more to who I am, which is why I try to keep my blog diverse. When I am well enough to be intentional about my posting, then I try to have a post about a food, fatshion, an inspirational quote, a new coping skill, and a feminist critique all on the screen. I post pictures of myself (fatshion), not because I am horribly self absorbed, but because I want to normalize my body. The media pushes images of super skinny women in our faces all the time and it promotes the idea that if you are not super skinny then you must hate your body and want to change it. Being happy and confidant in a large or even average sized body is not seen as an option in our society and yet, I am here to tell you that it is. It is possible to happy with your body; perhaps not all the time, but it is a worthy goal. The number one thing that has helped me build up my self image and esteem is by visiting blogs where there are tons of pictures of fat people, smiling and sure of themselves. I still do this and it is very healing. It makes me feel like I'm not so alone. It reminds me that recovery is not about what size I am, but about my state of mind. In a world where the media bosses only want to show us pictures of an impossible ideal, showing pictures of people of all shapes and sizes is a liberating and revolutionary act. It's an act that tells them that my mind and my body is my own and in an era where state legislatures are passing bills limiting abortion rights and sex education standards, that is a statement that cannot be said enough. With that being said, here are two pictures of me a few weeks ago. I was slightly dressed up to see the play, "The Fox on The Fairway" at the Aurora Theatre. I didn't think a play about golf would be that entertaining, but it actually was very funny. It was a farce that reminded me of Steve Martin, one of my favorite actors. The outfit I wore that day was very comfy and yet I still felt very fatshionable.
  I wish I had taken a full-length picture of myself, but I don't have a full-length mirror.  One day I'll have to buy my own, so that I don't have to sneak into my mom's bathroom!  Bracelet: Wet Seal from a loooong time ago  Necklace: gift from a friend (The beads are made from painted magazine pages!)  Shirt: Target? Skirt: Old Navy
I just had to put my hair up-it's too hot down here, not to.  As I feel better, I find myself spending more time playing with my hair.  I feel almost like I'm reconnecting with an old friend, as I experiment with different styles.  The Fox on The Fairway?  Just might have been me.

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