I just watched an episode of the tv show Bones and it was a great episode. I like the show, because it has likeable characters and the shows delve deeply into topics without being depressing. On this episode, Dr. Brennan was testifying against a killer and the defense attorney questioned Dr. Brennan's credibility, because she sees a psycologist.
Now I know that a defense attorney will try to find the holes in any argument, but that is certainly a ridiculous one. To me, seeing a therapist signifies that a person is healthy or at least is on the path towards wholeness. It means that the person is taking care of herself and that is something I can respect. I would not be as stable as I am without the nearly ten years of therapy I took. It's only been about a month, since my therapist and I decided that I no longer needed to see her. It was a big accomplishment! It is not as if I am fully healed now either-I am finding that I have a hard time saying "no" to people and I can still get really overwhelmed and anxious at times, but now I have a toolbox full of coping skills that I can use and a whole network of supportive people that I can look to for guidance. I am no longer depressed and I would not have gotten to this place without the help of some really helpful therapists.