Look! My frittata is smiling! Frittatas are my new egg craze-they're light, fluffy, and yet still filling AND you can fill them with all kinds of fabulous stuff! Usually I make them with ham and cheddar cheese, but today I made it with fresh spinach and a dollop of Marie Callendar's new yogurt dressing with feta cheese. Yummy!
Making frittatas are really easy - just put two eggs in a bowl and whisk them with a fork. Then add other ingredients, which absolutely must include some kind of cheese and pour it into the pan. Use a small pan and the egg mixture will fill up the whole pan. When the mixture has cooked for about 1.5 minutes, then take your spatula and flip it like a pancake.
Voila! Doesn't it look like a bright, happy sun? The dressing made the inside slightly creamy, while the spinach was slightly crunchy. The sun sure is tasty!
Today was really productive! Besides making a fabulous frittata, I went to a seminar about working with children with developmental disabilities and I made some great contacts with people and I even might get a job where I can use my training in music therapy. It occurred to me as I was driving home that I am doing what I always wanted to do, just in a roundabout way and then that's when I had a thought breakthrough, because my next thought was, "Yeah, but it doesn't matter, because I still live with my parents..." But then my immediately next thought after that was, "Although maybe that isn't the purpose of life! Maybe life isn't about achieving big things, but is more about the process of getting them." I was astounded! Surely that thought did not come from myself, but has been absorbed through going to so many meetings lately, with a liberal helping of Godde. I instantly felt very humbled and thankful for the insight. It is still hard for me to get used to the idea of not being resentful for not living on my own, but it is getting easier. My sponsor says that humility is "not thinking less of yourself, but thinking about yourself less often." It has taken me several weeks to process that statement and, in fact, I am still processing it, but I really like it. My sponsor also says that "being humble is the closest way to get to know Godde." When I was a child, the word humble seemed like such a dopey word-nothing I wanted to be like at all. But with these new definitions, I am learning that being humble really does get one closer to Godde and it really is a wonderful place to be.
Maybe your parents love having you at home. Heh heh. Just think of it as an alternative lifestyle!
Wow, girl. That was quite a great insight, definitely a revelation from God! I'm glad you realized that, and also that your lovely frittata is smiling at you! Hee hee!!