HAWMC #27 - Medications and Poetry for World Health Day

April 30, 2015

I think the healthy way to live is to make friends with the beast inside oneself, and that means not the beast but the shadow. The dark side of one's nature. Have fun with it and you know, is to accept everything about ourselves. Anthony Hopkins

World Health Day was April 7, but I'm always writing about mental health, so I feel like I celebrate it every day.  Recently, The American Recall Center inspired me to talk about medication for world health day, so here are my two cents.

No one wants to be on medication and there is a stigma to taking medication, but I have found that some people need it anyway.  I do.  Medication helps control my depression, anxiety, mood swings, the amount of sleep I get and psychosis.  I've tried going without, but then I don't sleep as well and within a few days I start decompensating, so meds are for me.

Some think that patients should not talk about their side effects or drugs with others since everyone reacts to them differently, but I say knowledge is power.  Of course, one should always be aware that different bodies will react in different ways, but sharing information about drug reactions can be validating and informing.  I go to patient sites fairly often to see if what I am experiencing could be the result of my medication when I am on a new drug.

Questions to ask your pharmacist/doctor are:

  • What are the most common side effects?
  • Are there any foods or activities to avoid?
  • How often/how many can I take for a PRN?
  • When will I know if it is working?
Some medications take a long time to start working, so it is important to have a good idea of when you can expect to see results.  Try to see a doctor that allows you to call between appointments if you have a question or concern.

Since I am writing for world health day, it is only fitting that I do Monday's prompt, which is to make acrostic poem out of the word "health."
The poems represent the worst and the best of what the health care world can do.  On one hand, the healthcare industry is fueled by brainwashing diet programs that do not work, doctors are pushed to promote pills whenever possible and prices and access to proper healthcare are often unavailable. 
On the other hand, health care has prompted me to learn about body mindfulness, more balanced nutrition and coping skills. Many pills are indeed life-saving and therapy has done wonders for me. 
Health care can be hurtful or healing depending on who you listen to and where you go.  My best advice for finding quality health care is to shop around, ask for recommendations and only accept care from people that you feel are treating you with the respect and dignity you deserve.  Educate yourself as much as possible about your diagnosis, different types of treatment and coping skills. Find a group of supportive people that can help you on your recovery journey.  It is hard to separate the lies from the truth, but somewhere along the way hope and healing can be found.

Link Love:

Foxglove & Firmitas -"Big Pharma" & Privilege: Or Why I Wish Allies Would Stop Using This Phrase

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