Summer Vacation 2016-Sacred Sanity

August 1, 2016

You're blessed when you're content with just who you are-no more, no less.  That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought." (19, The Message Bible)


It is time for for my summer vacation posts!  I didn't do them last year because I was too busy.  Fortunately, this summer vacation is more relaxed, so I should be able to post every day.


We are at Nag's Head, North Carolina, on the outer banks. I wish we were boycotting North Carolina but as my family decided not to, I figure I might as well enjoy the vacation.


Yesterday, as I was climbing the stairs to the house, I thought to myself, 


nothing is more sacred than sanity.

 It is so refreshing and wonderful to be on vacation and not be exhausted and depressed.  I feel free.  DBT has helped me the way I knew it would and today I am not anxious but very happy. I feel comfortable in my own skin and it is a very luxurious, utterly enjoyable emotion.  Thanks to mindfulness, I am able to recognize these feelings and fully revel in them. Today, I am emotionally rich.


To celebrate my new found confidence yesterday, I took many selfies. So what if I am fat?!  I am still flabulous!  Because of my fibromyalgia, I am not able to exercise as much as I would like but I do genuinely enjoy eating healthy.  Many people assume that I am dieting when they see how I eat but I do not and never will.  One really can be healthy and happen to be fat.  Of course, even if I was not healthy, I would still be flabulous because health does not actually equal self-worth.


Here I am being happy:


I can take pride in how I look, no matter my weight.

Time to relax!

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